General Contest Rules



Sweepstakes consist of prizes being offered to participants selected on a random basis whereas a contest involves entrant participation and may require participants to use specific skills to solve or complete a specified objective in order to qualify for an award or submit entry material which will be judged using specific criteria. For all purposes, hereinafter, the term “Contest” shall collectively refer to both sweepstakes and contests.


All Contests are sponsored and administered by Draper Media, 1729 N. Salisbury Blvd., Salisbury, MD 21801 (“Sponsor”) unless otherwise stated in official contest rules, which may vary.


To enter for a chance to win, entrants must listen to a specific Sponsor station, which will vary by Contest, either over the air or online:


WBOC-FM, 102.5,

WRDE-FM, Coast Country 103.9 or 106.3,

WZBH-FM, 93.5 The Beach,

WGBG-FM, Big 107.7,

WTDK-FM, The Duck 107.1 or 105.1 or 104.3,

WAAI-FM, 100.9 Classic Country,

WCEM-AM, Sports Radio 1240,


The disc jockey on air will provide listeners with instructions on the times to play and how to participate in each specific giveaway. The dates, times, winner selection methods, and prizes, and prize value(s) will vary with each giveaway, as determined in the sole discretion of Sponsor, as announced on air.


Entry may include but is not limited to the following methods:


For call-in Contests: Entrants must listen to the specific Sponsor station for instructions on specific times to play. The dates and times of station participation may vary and shall be determined solely by the Sponsor as announced on air. At their sole Sponsor discretion, the specific Sponsor station may or may not choose to air all playtimes due to programming obligations and other factors.

The instructions will include at a minimum: (i) the requirement for interested listeners to call a designated phone number at a certain time on a certain date, (ii) the designated caller number that the listener must be in order to obtain a chance to win, and (iii) and if there are any other requirements to win (e.g. listener must answer a question correctly).   Odds of winning will be determined by the number of calls received. 


If the Sponsor determines the designated caller is not eligible, the Sponsor may continue to select the next consecutive caller as the potential winner for that playtime until an eligible caller is determined.


For Online Contests: The instructions will include at a minimum for interested listeners to visit the designated Sponsor station website and click on specific URL link where entrants must accurately complete all required fields by a specific date and/or time, or the entry will be deemed incomplete and will not qualify. Odds of winning will be determined by the number of entries received.


For email Contests: The instructions will include at a minimum for interested listeners to send an email to a designated email address with specified content by a specific date and/or time. Odds of winning will be determined by the number of emails received.


For Social Contests (including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok): The instructions may include that interested listeners submit content and/or either Like or Comment on specific posts on a designated social page or app by a specific date and/or time. Odds of winning will be determined by the number of participants.


For Content Submission or Skill Contest: The instructions may include that interested listeners submit content as described either by Call-in, Online, Email, or to a Social website or app by a specific date and/or time. Unless specified otherwise, odds of qualifying and/or winning Content or Skill Contests is determined by judges and/or voting.

Consumer Created Content Requirements.

As used herein, “Content” includes and refers to all information, content, and material submitted by you in connection with the Contest (including, but not limited to your submission).

By submitting your Content, you warrant and represent that such Content: (a) is your original work, (b) has not been previously published, (c) has not won previous awards, (d) has not been copied from other, (e) does not infringe upon the rights of any person or entity (including such individual’s and/or entity’s copyrights, trademarks rights, rights of privacy or publicity or any other intellectual property), (f) that you have obtained permission from a person whose name, likeness or name is used in the Content, and (g) and that publication of the Content via various media including Web posting, will not infringe on the rights of any third party rights. Any such entrant will indemnify and hold harmless, Released Parties (as defined herein) from any claims to the contrary. Any entrant whose Content includes names or likenesses of third parties or contains elements not owned by the entrant (such as, but not limited to, depictions of persons, buildings, trademarks or logos) must be able to provide legal releases for such use including Sponsor’s use of such Content, in a form satisfactory to Sponsor, upon request, prior to award of prize and/or naming of entrant as a winner. The Content submitted shall be 100% owned and controlled by the entrant. The Content shall be free and clear of any claims by any person whose writings, quotes, or ideas are embodied in the Content, or any person rendering services in connection with the Content. The Content shall not contain any materials owned or controlled by a third party for which you have not obtained a license. The Sponsor reserves the right to remove or void any Content that it deems to be in violation of these Official Rules, in its sole and absolute discretion.

By submitting Content you agree that your Content disclosure is gratuitous, unsolicited, and made without restriction, will not place the Sponsor or Contest Entities under any fiduciary or other obligation, that the Sponsor and Sponsor are free to use and otherwise disclose the ideas contained in the Entry on a non-confidential basis to anyone or otherwise use the ideas without any additional compensation to you. You acknowledge that, by acceptance of your Content, the Sponsor and the Sponsor Entities do not waive any rights to use similar or related ideas previously known to Sponsor or Sponsor Entities, or developed by their employees, or obtained from sources other than you.

BY SUBMITTING ANY CONTENT, ENTRANT ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HIS/HER CONTENT MAY BE POSTED ON SPONSOR’S WEBSITE, OR ELSEWHERE ON THE INTERNET AS AUTHORIZED BY SPONSOR, IN SPONSOR’S DISCRETION. In consideration for your participation in this Contest and for the opportunity to win a prize hereunder, you hereby grant the Sponsor, the Contest Entities, and another authorized on their behalf, an unlimited, perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-restrictive, royalty-free, sub-licensable (through multiple tiers) right and license to use, publish, reproduce, display, perform, adapt, modify, distribute, publically perform, transmit, have distributed, prepare derivative works of, and promote such Content in any form, in all media now known or hereinafter created, anywhere in the world, for any purpose and without consideration to the entrant. 

All Content submitted must confirm to the additional submission requirements set forth as follows to be eligible:

  • Content must comply with these Official Rules and any Terms of Service on the Sponsor website;
  • Content must be uploaded/submitted in the format specified and must comply with the posting requirements set forth above and as posted on the Sponsor website;
  • The Content must be Federal Communications Commission acceptable, including no use of indecent or obscene material or language;
  • Content cannot be sexually explicit or suggestive, unnecessarily violent or derogatory of any ethnic, racial, gender, religious, professional, age, or sexual orientation group, profane or pornographic, contain nudity or any materially dangerous activity;
  • Content cannot promote alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, or firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing), and cannot promote or portray any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous, or any particular political agenda or message;
  • Content cannot be offensive, endorse any form of hate or hate group;
  • Content cannot defame, misrepresent or contain disparaging, libelous, or misleading remarks, comments, or material about the Sponsor, the station, the Sponsor, any of their respective products and/or services, or about any other people, products or companies;
  • Content cannot infringe on or violate any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity, or other intellectual property, proprietary, or contractual right of a third party and cannot contain any personal identification such as license plate numbers, personal names, e-mail addresses or street addresses, other than entrant’s;
  • Content cannot contain trademarks, logos or trade dress owned by others, or advertise or promote any brand or product of any kind, without permission;
  • Content cannot contain copyrighted materials owned by others (including photographs, sculptures, paintings and other works of art or images published on or in websites, television, movies or other media) without permission (Sponsor does not permit the infringement of others’ rights and any use of materials not original to the entrant, except copyrighted materials owned by Sponsor, is grounds for disqualification from the Contest. Therefore, do not copy your favorite movie, book or photo or include materials, images, graphics, music or trademarks belonging to any third parties or incorporate the names, voices, likeness or personas of any party other than yourself unless you have obtained all rights necessary to permit you to use same in connection with your content and grant the rights herein granted to Sponsor and Contest Entities);
  • Content shall not include any background artwork, unless it is an original work of the entrant (any artwork, murals, etc. that can be seen in the Content must be created solely by the entrant or entrant must be the sole owner of all copyright interests therein);
  • The Content cannot be abusive or harassing towards any individual or group of individuals regarding race, sex, religion, creed, national origin, age, disability, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation or any legally protected classification (which includes, but is not limited to, epithets or slurs, threats, intimidations, or hostile acts);
  • Content cannot contain materials embodying the names, likenesses, photographs, or other indicia identifying any person, living or dead, without permission;
  • Content cannot communicate any messages or images inconsistent with the positive images and/or goodwill to which Sponsor wishes to associate;
  • Content cannot depict, and cannot itself, be in violation of any law; and
  • The Content must be socially acceptable and in good taste, as determined by the station in the station’s sole discretion.

ALL DECISIONS REGARDING THE APPROPRIATENESS OF THE MATERIALS CONTAINED IN THE CONTENT SHALL BE AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF THE SPONSOR. The Sponsor reserves the right to reject any Content, in its sole discretion, based on the terms set forth herein as well as current broadcast standards and other programming and operating practices and policies established by the Sponsor and/or station for airing advertising. Any waiver of any obligation hereunder by Sponsor does not constitute a general waiver of any obligation to entrants. Sponsor reserves the right to waive the Contest Content requirements set forth herein in its reasonable discretion. Sponsor reserves the right, in its reasonable discretion, during or upon completion of the Entry Period, to request that any entrant resubmit his or her Content which fails to comply with the Content requirements prior to any judging period. CONSUMER CREATED CONTENT POSTED TO THE WEBSITE WAS NOT EDITED BY SPONSOR AND IS THE VIEWS/OPINIONS OF THE INDIVIDUAL ENTRANT AND DOES NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF SPONSOR IN ANY MANNER.

By accepting a prize, the winner(s) agrees that his or her Content will be deemed a Work Made For Hire under the Copyright laws of the United States, but if it cannot be so deemed, then the winner irrevocably assigns and transfers to Sponsor all of his/her right, title and interest in and to his/her Content, including all but not limited to all copyright and trademark rights which he or she may have, in the United States and worldwide, therein, for consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. Winner hereby waives in favor of Sponsor, all rights of “Droit Moral” or “Moral Rights of Authors” or any similar rights or principles of law that winner may now or later have to their Content. Each of Sponsor reserves the right to alter, change or modify the winning Content, in its sole discretion. Upon request of Sponsor, winner shall execute and deliver such additional instrument of assignment, as may be solely deemed by Sponsor, reasonably necessary to establish the ownership of record of the right, title and interest in and to the Content and of the copyrights transferred and “Moral Rights of Authors” waived under these Official Rules. Should Sponsor fail to request the said assignment as stated that shall not be deemed a waiver of Sponsor’s rights and Sponsor may, at a later time, request the assignment.

The Released Parties (as defined below) are not responsible for lost, late, undeliverable, illegible, damaged, stolen, misdirected, mutilated, or incomplete entries, regardless of cause. Multiple entrants are not permitted to share the same email address. Should multiple users of the same e-mail account or mobile phone number, as applicable, enter the Contest and a dispute thereafter arise regarding the identity of the entrant, the authorized account holder of said e-mail account or mobile phone account at the time of entry will be considered the entrant. “Authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned an e-mail address or mobile phone number by an Internet access provider, on-line service provider, telephone service provider or other organization which is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses, phone numbers or the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address. Proof of submission of an entry shall not be deemed proof of submission or receipt by the Sponsor for online entries. When applicable, the Sponsor’s computer will be deemed the official time keeping device for the Contest. Entries will be disqualified if incomplete and/or if prohibited multiple entries in excess of the states limit are received. All entries become the property of Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned.

Prize winners will be selected per the criteria announced for the Contest. If the Contest requires Entrant to answer trivia, provide information or otherwise perform in some manner to participate and qualify to win, the decisions of Sponsor and/or the other judges will be final as to all matters including the accuracy and/or completeness of the answer, as well as the quality of the information or other performance. If a winner is unable to be notified for any reason for any amount of time, the applicable prize may be forfeited and awarded to an alternate winner.

Generally notification is deemed to have occurred immediately upon placing of a phone call or any other method of notification as specified in the specific contest. The Sponsor is not responsible for any change of email address, mailing address, and/or telephone number of entrants. The Contest Entities are not responsible for and shall not be liable for late, misdirected or unsuccessful efforts to notify a finalist and/or potential winner(s), or (if the finalist or potential winner is a minor) for late, misdirected, or unsuccessful efforts of the entrant to provide signed parental or guardian consent. If the potential winner does not claim the prize within the appropriate time given upon, the entrant will automatically be disqualified and their prize will be forfeited.

By participating, you agree (a) to be bound by these Official Contest Rules; (b) as between you and the Sponsor, that the decisions of the Sponsor is final on all matters relating to the Contest; (c) you are not participating on behalf of any employer or third party; (d) in the event that you do not comply with these Rules, that you will be disqualified and your prize (if any) will be forfeited; and (e) (when applicable) the potential winner and/or finalist must be available to participate in any portion to the Contest that participation may be required to be considered eligible.

All decisions made by Sponsor are final.


WARNING: Listeners may be listening via the station stream on the Internet: please be advised that you may be listening to a delayed stream of the radio signal, which may vary depending on your computer’s memory capacity and the speed of your internet connection. For that reason, we strongly recommend that you turn on your radio and tune to the station to participate in any call-in contest to be sure you are participating in “real time.” Streaming delays may last up to several minutes. As a result, when the station announces the cue to call, listeners to the on-line audio stream may have a disadvantage in participating compared to those listeners who hear the Contest on a conventional FM radio.






The Contest is open only to legal residents of Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia whose primary residence is on the Delmarva Peninsula. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Employees, contractors, directors, officers, consultants, and representatives of Draper Media, Draper Holdings, local sponsors, their subsidiaries, affiliates (“Contest Parties”) and each of their immediate relatives and those living in the same household of each are not eligible to participate. Employees of other radio stations, Contest sponsors or any agency involved with the production or distribution of materials for any Contest and their immediate family members within the Sponsor listening area may not participate and are not eligible to win. All federal, state, and local laws apply. 


No purchase necessary.  Must be 18 years of age or older to enter unless otherwise stated in official contest rules, which may vary. Viewers are eligible to win only one daily prize in any Contest. Each individual is eligible to win only one (1) prize in any Contest and there is a maximum of one (1) winner per household, phone number, and/or email per month. Winner cannot have won a prize in any other Contest sponsored by any Draper Media property (WBOC-TV/FOX21/Delmarva Sports Network/WRDE-TV/MyCOZI/Telemundo Delmarva/102.5 WBOC-FM/93.5 The Beach/BIG 107.7/Coast Country 103.9 & 106.3/100.9% Classic Country/107.1-105.1-104.3 The Duck/Sports Radio 1240AM/DelmarvaLife/Outdoors Delmarva), whether on radio, TV, online or mobile, within 30 days from the date of his or her selection to win a prize in another Contest.


Prizes and values will vary by contest. Prizes may not be redeemed for cash, and cash equivalents will not be permitted under any circumstances. Sponsor is not responsible for each businesses’ gift certificate or prize redemption policy. Additional rules and restrictions may apply.

Sponsor is not the supplier or guarantor of any prize, unless otherwise specified. Prizing may be fulfilled by a third-party fulfillment Sponsor. The prize will only be awarded if properly claimed according to the Rules. All costs and expenses related to the prize acceptance, the prize, and/or prize use not specified herein as being provided are the sole responsibility of winner(s).

If tickets to an event are awarded as a prize, Sponsor is not responsible for any cancellation or rescheduling of the event for any reason and has no obligation to reimburse, refund or otherwise substitute the tickets for another prize should the event not be rescheduled or vouchers not issued. Should a promotional card be part of the prize, the promotional cards shall include and herein be referenced as “promotional card(s)” collectively to any prefunded bank card, a gift card, an electronic gift card, stored-value card or certificate, a store card, merchant card, voucher for services or goods, a gift certificate or similar instrument and other redeemable instruments with value credit or the like that may be awarded are subject to terms, conditions and restrictions as set by issuer. *Promotional cards are subject to the terms of use, applicable conditions and restrictions, including any expiration dates, promulgated by issuer of card. The promotional cards are not transferable, redeemable for cash or exchangeable for any other prize. Redemption of the promotional card will be subject to the standard terms, conditions and restrictions applicable to the participating merchant and or the card issuer in effect on the day of issuance of the promotional card. The promotional card cannot be redeemed for the purchase of other promotional cards. Except as required by law, the promotional card cannot be reloaded, resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash, or applied to any other account. The Sponsor is not responsible if any promotional card is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission. If the promotional card is lost or stolen, it will not be replaced. No substitutions allowed except by Sponsor at its sole discretion for a prize of comparable value. Should travel be part of the prize, Sponsor is not responsible for cancellations or delays in travel accommodations and has no obligation to reimburse, refund or otherwise substitute any tickets awarded as a part of a travel prize due to such cancellations or delays.

All prizes must be picked up by the winner in person at the Sponsor’s business office located at 1729 N. Salisbury Blvd, Salisbury, MD 21801. Proper identification in the form of a passport, driver’s license, or other form of government-issued picture identification must be presented to Sponsor in order for a winner to claim a prize. All prize claims are subject to verification of winner’s eligibility.  No one may claim a prize other than the winner of such prize unless proof of handicap or hardship satisfactory to Sponsor in its sole discretion is provided to Sponsor and the winner and his or her proxy, if applicable, execute any additional affidavits, releases or agreements that Sponsor may require.  Prize must be claimed on business days, Monday through Friday, 8:30am ET – 1:00pm ET and 2:00pm ET – 4:30pm ET no later than thirty (30) days after notification of winning at Sponsor’s address set forth above (“Claim Period”). If a prize is not claimed in accordance with these official rules within the Claim Period, the selected winner will be disqualified and forfeit all interest in such prize and Sponsor reserves the right to award the prize to another winner or donate any prizes not awarded to a charity of Sponsor’s choice. For purposes of this Contest, “business day” shall exclude Saturdays, Sundays, and official holidays of Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia.


All prizes are non-transferable and no prize substitution is permitted, except at the sole discretion of the Sponsor.


A list of winners will be posted on the radio station’s website and shall be available for up to thirty (30) days after the end of each Contest.


As a condition of receiving a prize, the winner must sign and return any documents requested by Sponsor, including but not limited to, an affidavit of eligibility and publicity/liability release. Failure to sign and return any requested documents by the specified return date will result in disqualification of the winner and the forfeiture of all interest in the prize.  If required by applicable law, the winner will be issued an IRS Form 1099 in the amount of the actual retail value of the prize and must provide Sponsor with his/her valid Social Security Number or Taxpayer ID for tax reporting purposes. Payment of any and all applicable taxes is the sole responsibility of each winner.

By participating in the Contest or accepting a prize, entrants agree that Sponsor, Administrator, and the Contest Parties (collectively, “Releasees”) will not be responsible or liable for any losses, damages, injuries or claims arising from the Contest or the award of any prize.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Releasees will not be liable for any claims arising out of technical problems or malfunctions in connection with the Contest, including, without limitation, those arising in connection with any of the following occurrences that may affect the operation of the Contest: software or hardware errors; loss of telephone, cable, satellite, network, electronic, wireless, or Internet connectivity, or other communication problems; errors or limitations of any service providers, servers, hosts, or providers; garbled, jumbled, or faulty transmissions; failure of any transmissions to be sent or received; lost, late, delayed, or intercepted transmissions; unauthorized human or non-human intervention in the operation of the Contest, including without limitation, as a result of unauthorized tampering, hacking, theft, viruses, bugs, worms; or destruction of any aspect of the Contest. Entrants further agree that Releasees shall not be responsible for (i) dropped, indiscernible, or misdirected calls or for any errors in the announcement of the prize or these rules, (ii) any inaccurate or incorrect data contained on promotional materials or announcements, or (iii) any error in the administration of the Contest or announcement of the prize and/or all Contest-related materials.  As a condition of entering, entrants agree (and agree to confirm in writing if requested by Sponsor): (a) to forever discharge, release, and hold harmless Releasees from any and all claims, liabilities, injuries, losses, damages, causes of action, suits, and demands of any kind arising from or in connection with the Contest or the prize, however caused; (b) under no circumstances will entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, punitive, incidental, indirect, special, exemplary, or consequential damages; and (c) that any and all claims, judgments, and award shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, excluding attorneys’ fees and court costs.


EXCEPT WHERE PROHIBITED, BY SUBMITTING AN ENTRY, ENTRANT ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IF ENTRANT WINS, ENTRANT’S NAME, PHOTOGRAPH, AND OTHER FORMS OF LIKENESS MAY BE PUBLISHED ON SPONSOR’S AND ADMINISTRATOR’S PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, SPONSOR’S AND ADMINISTRATOR’S NEWSLETTERS, WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES, AT SPONSOR’S SOLE DISCRETION AT ANY TIME. Except where prohibited, subject to entrant winning the prize, entrant hereby grants Sponsor, Administrator, and their agents a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive and sub-licensable right and license to use, distribute, and publicly display entrant’s name, photograph, and other forms of likeness in any way, at any time, in any and all media related to Sponsor or Administrator, without any additional approval or consent of, and without consideration to the entrant.



If the Contest is not capable of running as planned for any reason, including without limitation, due to force majeure or tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of the Contest, Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who is responsible or who tampers with the contest administration process or otherwise acts in violation of these rules, and to cancel, modify, or terminate the Contest. 

All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these rules, your rights and obligations, or the rights and obligations of Sponsor and Administrator in connection with the Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of State of Maryland, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules. By entering, you consent to the jurisdiction and venue of the state and local courts located in Wicomico County, Maryland and the federal courts located in the District of Maryland for the resolution of all disputes, and agree that any and all disputes shall be resolved exclusively in those courts. Sponsor’s or Administrator’s failure to enforce any term of these rules shall not constitute a waiver of that or any other provision. If any provision of these rules is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck, and the remaining provisions shall be enforced.

Any personally identifiable information collected during participation in the Contest will be collected by Sponsor, Administrator, or their designee and used by Sponsor, Administrator, and its affiliates for purposes of the proper administration and fulfillment of the contest and as otherwise set forth in these rules.  Sponsor and Administrator reserve the right to use such information to provide winners with newsletters and other promotional material. Winners may opt-out of such communications by contacting Sponsor or Administrator, as applicable.


Sponsor reserves the right to modify or supplement these rules at any time.


Any trademarks, tradenames, and/or tradestyles used in the Contest are the sole property of the respective owners of such trademarks, tradenames, and/or tradestyles and are used in connection with the Contest solely for identification purposes.


  • Steve Gorman Rocks

    7:00pm - Midnight

  • The Big Ass Block of Classic Rock

    Midnight - 6:00am

    BIG 107.7 - Delmarva's Classic Rock

Concert Calendar